Release Notes CloudPort

Release Date
Version 7.0.2 6/9/21
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New Feature Added codesign signatures to all product binaries and installation package
2 Fixing source Fixed issue with Maximize button for Runtime Viewer
3 Fixing source Fixed OpenAPI parsing to use "Default" instead of "Unspecified" for paths with no defined tags
4 Fixing source Fixed OpenAPI parsing to handle path definitions without tag references
5 Fixing source Fixed relative path references for ADS when th e relative path is project directory
6 Fixing source Fixed OpenAPI test names to use upper case for GET, PUT, POST, etc
7 Fixing source Fixed display issue with OAuth2 password grant type
Version 7.0.1 8/23/19
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New Feature Added new OpenAPI project Type with support for OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0
2 New Feature Added optimizations for large project loading and running
3 New Feature Added form based inputs for urlencoded and form-data Content-Types
4 New Feature Added Form and Raw views for protocol header fields
5 Fixing source Fixes issue with custom HTTP headers defined on a test case appearing on subsequently created test cases
6 Fixing source Fixes issue with ContentType header getting created on test cases with HTTP methods other than POST and PUT
7 Fixing source Fixed bug with form-data Content-Types not correctly setting boundary header
8 Fixing source Fixed packaging and installation of Crystal Reports component to no longer require VC++ prerequisites
Version 6.0.4 1/23/18
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New Feature Added support for HTTP Status Response text to be available as an HTTP response header for HTTP codes over 299
2 New Feature Added support for additional fingerprint methods (EnhancedFingerprintDetection)
3 Fixing source Fixed WS-Encryption of a WS-Username token header with the 'Included Nonce Encoding Type Attribute' option set
4 Fixing source Fixed issue with disabled Success Criteria items still being used to detect dependencies
5 Fixing source Fixed issue with ADS initialization related to referecing ADS sources from XML project to WSDL project ADS sources
6 Fixing source Fixed WS-Security Signatures to support ETSI & ISO and allow certificates for signing that have only the KeyUsage=nonRepudiation set exclusively
7 Fixing source Fixed issue extracting Runtime Variable attribute values containing an "=" symbol
8 Fixing source Fixed handling wsam:Action attributes within PortType Operation attributes
Version 6.0.2 11/28/17
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New Feature Added optimizations for rendering time on projects with a large number of data sources defined
2 New Feature Added and Export File option to the context menu of the Report View XML file to more easily copy the result file to a selected target location
3 Fixing source Fixed WS-Security Timestamp to allow negative values for negative testing
4 Fixing source Fixed regression issue with Send Email task
5 Fixing source Fixed issue with TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 settings being preserved through restarts
6 Fixing source Fixed issue of duplicate TestIDs caused when cloning groups of Test Cases by cloning the Test Folder
7 Fixing source Fixed Microsoft OLEDB driver issues on older Excel files (.xls)
8 Fixing source Fixed display width of SSL certificate display on Authentication tab
9 Fixing source Fixed success criteria behavior when "Skip Rule if XPath not found" is enabled and none of the defined XPath rules match the target content
Version 6.0.1 10/03/16
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Redesigned product architecture for .NET Framework 4.5 (or later). .NET Framework 4.5 and .NET Framework 3.5 are both required to run the v8 product edition
2 New feature Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
3 New feature Added support for Unicode non-english languages
4 New feature Added ability to specify different Key Identifier than the Signing Key for X509 SubjectConfirmation in the WS-SAML 2.0 task
5 New feature Added UTF8 encoding to the Encode Value Task
6 New feature Added SHA256 algorithm to the Encode Value tasks
7 New feature Added support for variable references to be resolved within DLL Plugin parameters
8 New feature Added support for Report filtering to optionally not report on dependencies or conditional tests
9 New feature Added auto save option for test cases to autosave edits without prompting for commit
10 Fixing source Fixed Encode Value and Decode Value tasks to operate on both structured (XML/JSON) and non-structured (RAW) data
11 Fixing source Fixed MD5SUM and SHA1 option on the Encode Value task
12 Fixing source Fixed HEAD method to disallow message body per HTTP spec
13 Fixing source Fixed unicode handling of extra characters and reversing character sequences
14 Fixing source Fixed object reference error to be more informative when trying to perform SOAP operations on non-SOAP inputs
15 Fixing source Fixed SAMLv2 SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter attribute setting to be properly omitted from the assertion when not set
16 Fixing source Fixed JScript issues with setting Global variables within the script
17 Fixing source Fixed Encoding task to provide selective JSON content (when format is compatible with an XML structure) in tree view
18 Fixing source Fixed Decode task to provide selective JSON content (when format is compatible with an XML structure) in tree view
19 Fixing source Fixed the HTML Form Post encoder to not URL encode values when sent at MIME via the multipart/form-data content-type
20 Fixing source Fixes DLL plugin custom parameter values to resolve runtime variable references
Version 5.0.4 03/03/16
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added the ability to clone a set of test cases associated with a Test Folder via right-click clone option
2 Fixing source Fixed Test Folder deletion when folder was created manually from the Test case context menu
3 Fixing source Fixed issue with Reporting View log directory selector that did not allow viewing log results in direcories not listed in an actively loaded test suite
4 Fixing source Fixes hash calculation issue with SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 signature algorithms on the SAML 2.0 Task
5 Fixing source Fixes Global Variable import setting for Installation or Project directory to resolve on commit rather than require a project re-save
Version 5.0.3 08/02/15
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added Test Case folder rename and delete options
2 New feature Added support for HP ALM v11 (previously called HP Quality Center)
3 New feature Added support for HP ALM v11.5 (previously called HP Quality Center)
4 New feature Added support for SAML Audience
5 New feature Added support for RSAModulus KeyIdentifier in WS-SAML 2.0 signatures
6 New feature Added multiple selection delete and export to the traffic capture utility tool
7 New feature Added HTTP code data column to the traffic capture utility tool
8 Fixing source Fixes test cases enable/disable
9 Fixing source Fixes regression issue with selected key on WS-SAML 2.0 not showing details when returning to edit policy
10 Fixing source Fixes traffic capture utility to handle and broker HTTP 500 error responses
11 Fixing source Fixes the Base64 encode function to work on non-SOAP messages
Version 5.0.2 11/25/14
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added dynamic Header modification capability to CloudPort Player (content-types, etc)
2 New feature Added Administrative rights detection label in Help-About to more easily determine when users are running with Admin rights or not
3 New feature Added admin rights warning on activation screen when non-privileged user detected
4 New feature Added detection of locked directory (non-privileged user) and handling of WSDL loading to Windows Temp directory
5 New feature Added GZIP decompression support for Proxy Server Data Capture tool
6 New feature Added selective message export feature to Proxy Server Data Capture tool
7 New feature Added support for WSDL Notification operations (having only an output parameter, no input) per section 2.4.4 of WSDL spec
8 Fixing source Fixes Proxy Server Data Capture tool to not use If-Modified-Since to disable remote HTTP 304 responses
9 Fixing source Fixes design-time Success Criteria evaluation to initialize schemas for XSD validation rule
10 Fixing source Fixes handling of nested context variables i.e.: $fn:Global(#fn:Global()#)$
11 Fixing source Fixes issues with Variable match success criteria rule
12 Fixing source Fixes issue with WSDL and XSD imports for ?WSDL loading
13 Fixing source Fixes WSDL SOAP test case types to support manually setting MTOM content-type
14 Fixing source Fixes URI Query String parameter matching rule builder to not default to exists
15 Fixing source Fixes URI Query string parameter matching runtime behavior
Version 5.0.1 08/20/14
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added new project and WSDL loading / sorting panels
2 New feature Added comment support for previously loaded Projects and WSDLs to better categorize and recall
3 New feature Added success criteria evaluation to Project View mode on the Success Criteria screen menu enabling design time rule evaluation
4 New feature Added button to refresh project globals from file
5 New feature Added support for an HTTP proxy for outbound requests in Proxy Traffic Capture tool
6 New feature Added support for parsing derived by extension types across multiple schema namespaces
7 New feature Added toolbar menu item for HTML Form Post graphcal builder to enable configuring www.urlencoded and form/post for REST test case types
8 New feature Added duplicate project detection for non WSDL projects to enable merge or clear project options on load
9 New feature Added support for defining cookie values on separate HTTP Header lines
10 New feature Added feauture for SOAP 1.2 dynamic URI action handling to both content-type and WS-Addressing
11 Fixing source Fixes trailing slash being added to the Listener URI by default
12 Fixing source Fixes Rename after clone to preserve changed name in cloning renaming scheme
13 Fixing source Fixes REST and JSON test types to hide Atttachments tab on the request
14 Fixing source Fixes project display ordering after merging projects
15 Fixing source Fixes handling of memory table variable references to ignore leading or trailing spaces in variable name
16 Fixing source Fixes issues with Memory Tables and dynamic instantiation
17 Fixing source Fixes issue with random interval setting in Time delay task
18 Fixing source Fixes regression issue with runtime variable tree displaying duplicate leaf nodes
19 Fixing source Fixed keystore loading issue with wrong password causing infinite delay
Version 4.0.2 10/15/13
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added Matches Fragment function to XPath node fragment validation for XML diff matching of sub-node fragments
2 New feature Added support for JSON to XML conversion with underscrore characters (_) when JSON contains leading numbers in object names, which is disallowed by Spec in XML
3 New feature Adds support for JSON detection and JSON XPath functions (converts JSON to XML automatically under the hood)
4 Fixing source Fixes issue with memory table variables as targets of database query success criteria
5 Fixing source Fixes issue with ADS variable resolution on JSON data formats
6 Fixing source Fixes issue with Resolve Global Variable task defined as a local task with Global Tasks also defined
7 Fixing source Fixes Save Project to ensure Global Configuration setting modifications are committed
8 Fixing source Fixes prefix normalization logic for baseline regression success criteria to handle more variances in older stored baselines
9 Fixing source Fixes Runtime Variable Capture for HTTP FORM POST requests
10 Fixing source Fixes baseline regression XDiff detection issue when node child moves up one level as node parent
11 Fixing source Fixes JSON content detection to handle cases where JSON contains embedded XML nodes
12 Fixing source Fixes regression issue with Query Database Success Criteria to prompt to store the new baseline when pressing the Execute Query button when 'Matches Baseline Query' is the selected function
13 Fixing source Fixes jks keystore loading for first instance to ensure keys subdirectory is created automatically
14 Fixing source Fixes issue moving JKS keystore keys to Windows Keystores
15 Fixing source Fixes port detection to properly report if another application is using the port when the IP is
Version 4.0.1 08/29/13
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added Matches Fragment function to XPath node fragment validation for XML diff matching of sub-node fragments
2 New feature Added support for runtime variable array success criteria target matching of multi-node values
3 New feature Added support for Tibco Topics Publish and Subscribe
4 New feature Added Conditional stop triggers for Tibco EMS topic subscription reading
5 New feature Added logic for multiple Tibco EMS topics in when running test suite in QA Mode
6 New feature Added RSAModulus KeyIdentifier support to WS-Signatures
7 New feature Added support for WS-Security Encryption of the WS-Security Signature header
8 New feature Added option to settings to disable SOAP Header validation when performing XSD validation from Project View to match what the Success Criteria task settings are
9 New feature Added support for WSDL URL global variables in WSDL and Schema upgrade dialog
10 New feature Added Sort option to Preferences and Settings to sort WSDL services alphabetically
11 New feature Added SHA2 algorithm SAML Signing support (SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)
12 New feature Added support for KeyName field in SAML2 ArtifactResponse token generation format
13 New feature Added support for conditional Testing test allocation with tests containing dependencies
14 New feature Added support for Excel to XML conversion on binary response streams
15 New feature Added option to SAML 2.0 token task to enable insertion into SOAP Header rather than WS-Security Header
16 New feature Added New SAML 2.0 token task with support for SAML 2.0 SSO Artifact response format
17 New feature Added options for selective enabling of SSLv3 and TLS cipher suite negotiation algorithms
18 Fixing source Fixes ChoiceType parsing issue with XSD with ElementQualifiedNamespace = False
19 Fixing source Fixes XPath Database Comparison dialog to resolve dynamic variables in SQL query at design time to allow running of the query manually
20 Fixing source Fixes Database Query Task, Success Criteria Database Query, and XPath Database Comparison dialogs to resolve variable references at design time when running the query
21 Fixing source Fixes Report Log View for JSON data to enable JSON display formatting when the formatting button is enabled
22 Fixing source Fixes Global Variable definition parsing to properly handle comment entries (starting with #)
23 Fixing source Fixes WSDL and Schema Import handling to better handle automatically relative file references containing ../../.. notation
24 Fixing source Fixes WSDL schema import handling to not default to attempting to load the namespace, but rather prompt for the xsd file location when the defined path is not found
25 Fixing source Fixes the String Replacement task to not trim the text and instead preserve leading and trailing spaces
26 Fixing source Fixes detection of Signature inside of SAML assertion for the Verify Signature task
27 Fixing source Fixes Project ADS variable functions to store data in optimized format and reduce project file size and loading time
28 Fixing source Fixes User Object handle cleanup in VBScript task when using File objects
29 Fixing source Fixes runtime variable capture encoding of & gt; and & lt; to properly encode text nodes on variable capture
30 Fixing source Fixed XPath Database Query matching to handle null database values to compare successfully against empty node values
31 Fixing source Fixes MoveUp/MoveDown options on task lists that was causing the listing to disappear until the test was refreshed
32 Fixing source Fixes issue with loading a previously merged project which was causing duplicate IDs for the sort order and an index error on load
33 Fixing source Fixes REST test case parameterization of Host and URI to ensure field parsing considers variable references
34 Fixing source Fixes issue with ADS resolution of dynamic variables in Database XPAth Success Criteria rule to not stick on the first row
35 Fixing source Fixes Global Task List references to Project ADS variables
36 Fixing source Fixes issue with VBScript SetVariableValue function to properly retain the new global variable value
37 Fixing source Fixes preservation of success criteria containing CR and LF characters for multi-line value matching
38 Fixing source Fixes labels on HTTP Code succes criteria rules to be Min Code and Max Code
39 Fixing source Fixes merging 2 same named subprojects with different test cases to prompt for preserving both sets of tests
40 Fixing source Fixes issue with signature verification under certain canonicalization algorithms
Version 3.5.1 03/20/13
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added support for HTTP Response Code to be parameterized via Context Functions, ADS Variables, and Runtime Variables
1 New feature Added new setting to WSS-Username token task to make Nonce element optional
1 New feature Added new setting to WSS-Username token task to include EncodingType attribute explicitly in the element attribute
2 Fixing source Fixes root node attribute detection to enable runtime variable capture and XPath attribute value comparisons on attributes defined at the root node level
2 Fixing source Fixes namespace detection of SOAP encoding array derived by restriction to determine the proper namespace prefix per WSDL and Schema declared namespace mappings after normalization of the prefix mappings
2 Fixing source Fixes Issue with VBScript and JScript reporting threading error 'cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment'
2 Fixing source Fixes issue with ADS data source starting on record #2, instead of record #1
Version 3.0.3 11/03/12
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Added Proxy Server Traffic Capture tool. Enables capturing and replay of traffic via standard HTTP project, or via Reverse Proxy modes
2 New feature Added Import feature to import and create projects from traffic captured via the Proxy Server Traffic Capture Tool
3 New feature Added baseline XML Diff comparison for inbound documents to trigger simulation rules. Allows XML fragment comparisons for simulation request matching.
Version 3.0.2 06/28/12
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
specific rule first
# Type Description
1 Fixing source Fixes issues under heavy load causing simulation player to stop listening on the configured socket prematurely
2 Fixing source Fixes Base64 context function to for response and response header
Version 3.0.1 02/22/12
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 New feature Adds EDI Simulation Type
1 New feature Adds JSON Simulation Type
1 New feature Adds EDI Validation engines for 5010 and 4010 formats
1 New feature Adds ICD 9 and ICD 10 conversion mapping tool
1 New feature Adds ICD 9 and ICD 10 validation engine
1 New feature Adds support for Elyptical Curves Algorithms
1 New feature Adds method header to transaction tracing logs
9 Fixing source Fixes support for XSLT2 per SaxonHE version 9.4N
9 Fixing source Fixes Schematron ISO validation to handle abstract type declarations in XSLT2
9 Fixing source Fixes scrolling issue with Schematron ISO include file display
9 Fixing source Fixes Schematron ISO include file tooltip to show first 200 characters of referenced file content in tooltip
9 Fixing source Fixes Schematron ISO include file display to expand when viewing in popup mode
9 Fixing source Fixes simulation rule trigger detection when "/" match all request rule is mixed with more specific rules to check for more specific rule first
Version 2.0.2 02/09/11
CloudPort Enterprise and Runtime Player
# Type Description
1 Fixing source Fixes floating licensing issues for Enteprise Standard and Platinum licenses
2 Fixing source Fixes XSLT2 and Schematron support